Sunday, 20 January 2013



Oceans in the world

Till 2000 there was only four oceans International Hydrographic Organization identified a new ocean called southern ocean and determined its limits.

The five oceans are:

 Pacific ocean
 Atlantic ocean
 Indian ocean
 Arctic ocean
 Southern ocean

The oceans are of great help to the earth. They play a major role in weather and temperature. The waves in the ocean are used to produce electricity and are called as tidal (waves) currents and tidal energy.

Here is the area and depth of all the five oceans:

S.No    Ocean Name            Area (square miles)           Depth (feet)
1          Pacific ocean                64,186,000                  15,215
2          Atlantic Ocean              33,420,000                  12,881
3          Indian Ocean                28,350,000                  13,002
4          Southern Ocean            7,848,300                    13,100 - 16,400
5          Arctic Ocean                5,106,000                    3,953

Things to know

The biggest ocean is the Pacific Ocean
The smallest ocean is the Arctic Ocean
Atlantic ocean is the second largest ocean in the world
Indian ocean is the third largest ocean in the world
Southern ocean is the fourth largest ocean in the world.
The busiest ocean is the Atlantic ocean
Indian Ocean lies to the border of four continents. They are Asia, Africa, Antarctica, and Australia.
Pacific Ocean occupies the one third of the water body in the earth.
Oceans also have mountains and volcanoes.
Many of the volcanic activities occur under the ocean surface.

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